Why Stuffing Your Mattress With Money Is A Bad Idea

Older generations, post-Great Depression, used to stuff their hard-earned money into their mattresses or tuck it into mason jars and bury it in the backyard. They did not trust banks to keep their money safe after the Great Depression and worried that another stock market crash would come on the heels of the slow recovery. If you are currently stuffing your money into your mattress because you are worried about banks, are worried about being tracked, or want to live "off the grid," stop. This is a bad idea for a number of reasons, and there are some solutions that work better than sticking money in your mattress.

Reason #1: Theft

If anyone were to find out where you put all of your money, your life would be in peril. Crooks would try to break in and steal the money out of your mattress and wreck other parts of your home in the process. Plus, with all of those unmarked bills just waiting to be stolen, you have absolutely no guarantee of ever getting your money back. Additionally, if your home ever caught fire, all of your money would be lost to the flames because money is not fire-proof in the least.

Solution #1: Install a Safe

If you do not want to put your money in a bank, that is your choice. However, the safest solution for stashing cash in your home is in a safe. A commercial locksmith can install a safe for you, and even hardwire it into your electrical system. There are a number of safes that the locksmith can sell to you and install for you, and many of them are fire-proof and theft-proof—something your mattress definitely is not.

Reason #2: The Money Could Be Damaged in a Mattress

Most mattresses are made of foam and coiled springs. Money rips easily and absorbs fluids. This means that bouncing on a mattress stuffed with money could shred the money, while urine, feces, vomit and a host of other bodily secretions could ruin the money and make it unspendable. At the very least, money that is discolored and smells may get tagged as counterfeit currency, and then you would be held up by the police while you try to explain why the money is that way.

Solution #2: Store the Money Far from Areas Where Bodies Rest and Use a Security System

If you absolutely have to store your money at home, put it where it will not come into contact with objects that can tear it, stain it, stink it up, and/or otherwise mar it. Then install a security system to keep watch over your home and your money's hidey-hole. A commercial locksmith can install these systems and several locking devices to protect your stash of cash in the home.

For more information on the services that a commercial locksmith can provide, contact a company like Southern California Security Centers.
