Automotive Locksmith Repairs And Security Tips

In recent years, car theft has created close to $6 billion in losses. When you want to keep your vehicle safe and protect the investment you made buying it, there are some automotive locksmith and security tips that you can follow. To this end, read the points below so that you are able to get the most out of your car.  Upgrade and repair your power locks and get an alarm or subscription system that protects your car [Read More]

3 Kinds Of Keyless Entry Methods

Looking to make your locks a bit smarter, or avoiding the need to give out a physical key? If so, you may want to have a keyless entry system installed on your home or business. There are many kind of systems you can used, which is why it helps to know more about each one to make an informed decision about what you end up selecting. Keypads Keypads are a common keyless entry system that has many advantages. [Read More]

Lose Your Safe Combination? Help Is Here

Combination safes are a great way to store valuables in your home. If you lose the combination to the safe, however, then you have a big problem. Losing the combination to a home safe is extremely frustrating if you do not know how to solve this issue. Fortunately, there are a number things you can do to resolve this situation successfully. This article takes a look at some of the best ways to recover access to your home safe after you have lost the combination. [Read More]

Installing Security Cameras At Home? 3 Tips On How To Place Them

If you want to install security cameras around your home, you need to think carefully about where you place them. You want to place them somewhere where they will catch anyone who tries to get into your home without your permission. Security cameras can also be used to deter people from breaking into your home as well. 1. Place Near Entrances First, you want to make sure that you place your cameras where they will catch someone breaking into your home. [Read More]